Class ProductDiscountUpdate


This class represents a dataobject for updating a ProductDiscount

Variable Summary
string $Accumulate
int $Amount
string $Currency
bool $Date
string $DateFrom
string $DateTo
double $Discount
string $DiscountType
int $Id
string $Language
double $Price
int $Site
int $UserId
string $UserType
string $Accumulate

Wether or not to allow accumulative discounts from this discount

int $Amount

The amount to trigger the discount

string $Currency

The Currency iso of the Price of this discount

bool $Date

Whether or not this is a date-specific discount

string $DateFrom

The start date of a date-specific discount

string $DateTo

The end date of a date-specific discount

double $Discount

The total discount for this discount

string $DiscountType

The type of discount given in Discount, either 'p' to indicate a percentage or 'a' for amount

int $Id

The id of the ProductDiscount

string $Language

The iso of the language on which the discount is active, '' for all

double $Price

The price per product for this discount

int $ProductId

The id of the Product of the ProductDiscount

int $ProductVariantId

The id of the ProductVariant of the ProductDiscount, 0 if none

int $Site

The site on which the discount is active, 0 for all

int $UserId

Deetermines who this discount affects. For type group it points to a UserGroup, for type 'user' it points to a User.

string $UserType

Determines who this discount affects. Either 'all', 'group' or 'user'

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:49 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4